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Survivor Finale Tie

Survivor Season 46: The Shocking Finale

Ben Katzman Reveals His Vote

Survivor 46's Ben Katzman was part of the final three but ineligible to vote. However, after a controversial tribal council, Ben revealed how he would have cast his vote. While he declined to name his intended recipient, Ben's statement left viewers wondering about the potential impact it could have had on the outcome.

The Final Jury Vote

In a 5-3-0 final jury vote, Kenzie Veurink beat Charlie Davis and Ben Katzman to earn the title of sole survivor. Kenzie's victory marked the first time a female player had won the show in six seasons.

A Shocking Finale

The Survivor Season 46 finale was one of the most shocking in the show's 36 season history. It featured the first tie in the show's history, which was ultimately broken by a revote. Two former Sigas and one Yanu player made it to the end, with a Yanu player making it all the way to the end despite the tribe's record-setting bad start.

Charlie Davis's Reaction

Charlie Davis, one of the finalists, opened up about the massive blindside on the Survivor finale from his closest ally, Maria Shrime. Charlie expressed his disappointment and frustration at Maria's decision to vote him out, calling it a "bitter pill to swallow." He also discussed his thoughts on the game and his plans for the future.

The Survivor Season 46 finale left viewers with a lasting impression, reminding them of the show's unpredictable nature and the complexities of human relationships.

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